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Watch our Sick Kids Save Point Event!

Are you taking part in Sick Kids Save Point? You may ask, “I’m not sure Tom, is it for me?”. My answer to that is yes! It’s for you, whoever you are.
You can still sign up here.

If you can’t why not sponsor us! We’re getting together as a team. We’ve already raised more than £2400 and beat our goal, but I think we can do even better. Check out all our members challenges here, and why not sponsor one of the gamers who haven’t reached their goal yet?
The CalmDownTom SKSP Team

Sick Kids Save Point is a 24 hour gaming marathon that raises money for sick kids. You can watch the CalmDownTom SKSP event here. We will post streams, chat with all you fans and take suggestions right here. Check back often for more streams, updates, little stories and more. We might even ask you to come play with us! See what we’re all playing here.

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The event starts at 6pm today, UK time. The streams will come later today, but for now why not listen to my interview with organiser Tom Freeman

For those competing, good luck! and for those who have sponsored us, helped with prizes or helped us organise this event, I sincerely and gratefully thank you. We couldn’t have done it without you!


Published inFeatures