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Stunning Photos and Book Tour Plans

I’ve been lucky enough to get some amazing photos from the Anna Undreaming Blog Tour. I thought I’d share a few below.

Before you have a look at those, just a note to say I’ll be touring bookshops around the country soon to sign books, meet fans and give away free goodies. If you want me to come to your local bookshop, please let me know! I’m drawing up a list of venues now and I’ll try my best not to disappoint anyone.

And if you need a signed copy of Anna Undreaming for a charity auction or event, I’m keen to help with that kind of thing too! Just get in touch and I’ll see what I can do.

Anyway, more tour details coming soon. For now, enjoy these lovely photos.

Thanks, and hope to see you all in person soon!

From darkfaerietales_

From myfriendsarefiction

From msrandomcreation

From mythoughtsareabook

From berrybookpages

From Nanaharps

From storygramtours

From myvintagebookshop

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