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Wetware by Reality Council is the Hacking Game we’ve all been waiting for

You may remember a while back our top man Micahel Cameron popped along to see the lovely people at Reality Council about their upcoming hacking and cyber warfare title Wetware. You can read all about what he thought right here.

I think Michael set out the game best, so let me just quote his initial impressions:

“Based in a dystopian-cyberpunk future; Wetware is a unique strategy game with a hacking twist. You must strategically attack networks, steal information, crash nodes all the while protecting your own assets from enemy corporations. Counter the competition by amassing a variety of elite hackers, generating funds and establishing an empire of superior networks. Only by doing this will you be able to survive in the domain of corporate espionage.”

I got a chance to try the latest build, and it looks like Reality Council have something special on their hands. With a real gap in the market (and in gamers hearts) for a great hacking game, Wetware looks like it could fill a niche very nicely.

The build I played had some small issues with an unresponsive interface, but I’m sure these issues will be ironed out. I also hoped that the world map would wrap around, so that I could rotate it like a globe. Niggles aside though, what I played promised tense hacking gameplay, a moody and atmospheric soundtrack and a genuinely absorbing play experience. It’s got the kind of neon glow that makes it particularly suited for late night game sessions as the world map gets burned into your retinas while it shines bright in an otherwise darkened room. The games ambient score underlines this, and playing into the wee hours I worried at how much time I was likely to sink into such a game when it gets its full release.

We hope to run a review soon, but until it hits the market make sure to check out the games progress at Reality Council.

Published inFeatures