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Molyjam 2013 in Scotland – All You Need to Know

*I’ll keep updating this over the weekend so we have one place for all the information on this years Scottish Molyjam.*

What Would Molydeux, affectionately referred to as “Molyjam,” is a 48 hour game jam on the 5 – 7th of July inspired by the works of @petermolydeux, a loving parody of the legendary Game Designer, Peter Molyneux. It started in 2012 with a tweet.

Two and a half weeks later, on March 30th 2012, the jam was held in 32 cities worldwide. To learn more about how it all came together, please visit the MolyJam History section.

MolyJam 2013 is going to use actual, out-of-context quotes from the real Peter Molyneux. Molyneux is a man who needs no assistance when it comes to parody. His own words are strong enough. Who but Molyneux has the strength to say things like, “Pull the right trigger to see The Most Interesting Thing In The World.” Or, “It’s you Americans. There’s something about nipples you hate.”

MolyJam has provided a list of over 60 quotes, with 22 specially-highlighted picks from the organizers. One for each of Molyneux’ cans. And if you’re an enterprising sort, you’re welcome to find your own Molyneux quotes, so long as you can find a source for them.

We are pleased to announce that there are two sites in Scotland for MolyJam 2013!

Dundee – Proper Game Studios
Located near the city’s waterfront, barely 10 minutes walk from local shops and restaurants the Proper Games Studios offer a great location from jammers. We have 20 spaces for jammers (2 of which are still open, so get in touch if you wish to join us!) and are currently looking for sponsors willing to donate to us anything from technology licenses to food money to even just spare time to share your expertise! If you want to sponsor the Dundee venue please contact Malcolm on the following email address –
Please join the Molyjam Facebook group for Glasgow!
Dundee Molyjam Facebook group

Glasgow – Glasgow Caledonian University, Student Association Building
Located very near to the city centre, 5 minutes walk away from all local amenities. We can support 30 jammers and any number of remote jammers. We will host a Google hangout for those who can not make the whole weekend. We are currently looking for sponsors who are willing to donate pizza money or even their time. If you are willing to sponsor the Glasgow venue please contact Brian on the following email address –
Please join the Molyjam Facebook group for Glasgow!
Glasgow Molyjam Facebook group

Space is limited at both venues, so sign up via the above links. Join us on the 5 – 7th of July to create some truly remarkable games!

Well done to Malcolm Armstrong, Brian McDonald, Emma Droy, Emilie Todorova and the GCAL Computing Society as well as manhy other hard working folks for making this a thing!

CDT is the official media partner of Molyjam in Scotland. We’ll be streaming, blogging and generally covering the whole event. So make sure to check often over the weekend. Really, I’m not just being all PR-y and stuff. It’s really funny and interesting!

Info for Remote Jammers
“For those remoting in, we have setup a google event which has a Hangout ready to go
The url for the hangout should be

We will start the hangout properly at 1700 and will leave one of the machines in the lab on at all times. I will also encourage all Jammers to jump onto the hangout during the Jam to ensure that you guys who are doing remotely feel part of the Jam experience.

*Update! Judges announced and more to come!*

xl-4-1.jpg.pagespeed.ic.A5YutUMPowDan Bendon of Ready-Up
Dan Bendon is the Editor-in-Chief of Ready Up and developed the original site with Kirsten & Simes back in 2007, as the site has evolved he has become more of an ‘ideas man’ and can often be found during development sessions sitting with his feet up, shouting demands at Simes and Anthony while hammering his F5 key. Dan loves video games to such a degree that he finds it hard to quantify in words, which is not ideal for someone that writes about games.



2013picTom Freeman of Sick Kids Save Point
Tom Freeman is a freelance journalist, actor and voice over artist. He set up Sick Kids Save Point three years ago, which has grown into the UK’s biggest charity gaming marathon. To date over £46,000 has been raised for the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh. He hosts a podcast for the event.



hacker-roomPete Murdoch of Reality Council
Pete is a developer for Glasgow-based studio Reality Council, where he is working on the upcoming cyberpunk strategy game Wetware. A frequent attendee and participant at game jams, this will be Pete’s first time as a judge. Game jams are a time for people to try out new and exciting ideas, and he’s looking forward to seeing how the wise words of Molyneux are used to fuel those grandiose visions.



Lindsay KirkLindsay Kirk of Reloaded Productions
I’m Lindsay kirk, Jr Artist in Reloaded Productions. Graduated last year from UWS after completing the 3D computer animation single honors course. I’ve been working in reloaded for the past 10 months, I work on lots of different things both 2D and 3D. currently my main role is the weapons.



my faceJoey Aguirre – Freelance Artist
I’m Joey Aguirre i`m a freelance Artist. I’ve been working just about a year within the creative industry, from VFX to games. Within the start of my career I`ve been able to work for some high profile clients, working on massive projects. I consider myself as a generalist and work with both 2D and 3D.



A huge thank you to our amazing sponsors too. These companies pulled off prizes at the last minute, and I really can’t thank them enough!










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Published inFeatures