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Animal Crossing New leaf Photo Journal: Day 4

Today I was please to find that construction of my bridge had been completed overnight.  I had a small ceremony in the early hours of the morning so many people couldn’t make it.  Lily, I can always count on you babe.


Today was also my first trip to the island from my town.  Tortimer spoke to Kapp’n to make sure he’d let me travel from my own town to the tropical island.  First thing I did was borrow a wetsuit and went for a swim.  Perhaps not my best decision ever.


While out swimming though I took a dive underwater and caught a giant isopod. Yuk indeed, but it now sits proudly in our town museum.  Poor Blathers, I don’t think he was much up for handling this one.


While on the island I was able to catch so many bugs which I had never seen before.  By the end of the day Blathers was simply a nervous wreck but it did earn me another medal.


I also managed to try out the Easy Gardening Tour.  Tortimer had me collect flowers and place them in a nice area and gave me 6 medals for my troubles.


I did meet Lionel the lion, but also ran across yet another fenced off area near my house for someone called Peck.  Tomorrow will bring answers to more mysteries.





Lastly I wanted to share with you a funny song that Kapp’n sang to me on the way over.





Flattery will get you everwhere Kapp’n ;)


Published inFeatures