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Updates and News and New Reviews

There’s been some lovely new reviews and coverage of Anna Undreaming ahead of the official launch this Friday (20th April).

Anna Undreaming reviewed at The Herald.

What makes Tom cringe? Anna Undreaming interview and Giveaway.

Four Star Review at Mama Reads Blog.

Very in-depth review at The Plum Report (5 out of 6)

Anna Undreaming wins an award for best book cover at The Qwillery

I write about rebellion and libraries at The Scottish Book Trust

10 Diverse and Inclusive Comics article I wrote for The Scottish Book Trust

The launch will take place in Byers Road Waterstones in Glasgow tomorrow at 7:30pm. Come along if you can make it! I’ll be signing books and doing a reading and I’ll be happy to see as many of you as can make it.

Here’s a big box of newly printed copies ahead of the release. I’m so happy that the book is going to be in stores soon. It’s great to sell books on Amazon, but what I’ve always dreamed of is seeing my book for sale on the shelves in a book shop.

And if you can’t make it to the event, grab a book here! Let me know if you buy a copy this week and I’ll send a personal thank you.

Finally, here’s some photos of the book I took while on holiday in Japan. This one was against the Osaka skyline!

Published inFeatures