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I call this poem, “Why are so many games developers poor?”

Why are so many games developers poor?

Skyrim mods are so great!
Fishing, and faces clean as can be
Now they want my cash?
They won’t get a single penny from me

Give the creator some money
But it used to be free!
So I say on Reddit
They won’t get a single penny from me

A donation button, a plea from Gaben
“Is 25% too wee?”
“We could make it more?”
They won’t get a single penny from me

A Steam game that’s not on sale
Or just a few percent off, like 33?
Nah, wait for the flash sale
They won’t get a single penny from me

And as for free to play
I hate casual games grabbing money
I’ll hack out the adverts
They won’t get a single penny from me

What’s this, there’s content on the disk?
This thing is loaded with DLC!
Well I’m not paying for that
They won’t get a single penny from me

Now let me go rant online
Polygon, Kotaku, Eurogamer and CDT
I’ll turn on Adblock first though
They won’t get a single penny from me

Pay what you want?
Finally, how much… let’s see…
Hmmmm… Let me check my wallet
Here, have this 1p

Published inEditorialFeatures