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Daniel Taylor’s Top 5 Games of 2013

Metro-Last-Light1. Metro: Last Light
This is the follow up to one of my favourite shooters you can play, Last light delivered what sequels should or at least it did to me. 4A games did a great job answering all of those questions left over from the first game but at the same time managed to add in more mystery to the game before answering it all. You play as Artyom, again, and meet with old and new faces, weapons and betrayal. I never knew so much could go on in a Metro system especially when the world is in turmoil. As much as I loved both Metro games and would recommend them I am glad they wrapped the series up with such a high standard with hours of fun.

Payday-22. Payday 2
This game brings so much fun to wave based shooters by introducing the importance of team work, mixing classes and stealing as much stuff as you can. The game is filled with a large variety of missions, guns, masks and skills for you to grind and unlock. Payday 2 really built up upon the success and features of the first game and manages to deliver a solid wave based shooter that can hold its mask up to the same fun and standard of similar games such as Call of Duty: Zombies.

mgr r3. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance
Rising is the latest addition to the metal gear franchise but instead of focusing on stealth and guns this new series of game focuses on the art of hack and slash. Raiden returns as the protagonist in this game and it fills in the gap between MGS2 and MGS4. It was strange seeing the Metal Gear universe head off to this new genre of game and still gives people the option of playing in complete stealth. After playing the game it completely slashed away all of that scepticism and earned its place amongst the other Metal Gears.

Grand Theft Auto 5 brings all the chaos from the previous installments of the series, but this time adds some new twists to it. This time instead of playing one character you get to ability to play as three, with the option to switch between them whenever you like. As well as this, each character has their own special ability that comes in useful during different types of mission. One of the highlights of the game was taking part in the heists but instead of doing all the driving and shooting as one character you first need to plan the heist. Once you have selected your plan and got all the relevant equipment, you then take part in the heist switching between characters at different parts.

Killzone-shadow-fall-ps45. Killzone Shadow Fall
Killzone: Shadow Fall is Sony’s first party exclusive that was set to show what the PlayStation 4 has to offer. The game has some amazing graphics that really shows what the system can do this early on in its life cycle. I really enjoyed the integration of the PS4 controller to the game as well even if it was just doing some small tasks. The audio out of the controller was used to play sound tapes through it which was a nice and unexpected touch, the touch pad was used to select different modes on the OWL which is a robot that follows the player around.


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