This is a list of my five favourite android games currently available on the Play Store. These are games I can easily recommend and that I believe you won’t be disappointed owning. However, I have chosen not to go too casual, so games that you all may love such as ‘Candy Crush’ (which is a bad game) or ‘Plants vs Zombies’ (which is a good game) won’t be here.
One of only three movie-based games that I really like (the others being Spider Man 2 and Speed Racer), Gamelofts ‘Despicable Me Minion Rush’ is a brilliant casual game that gets highly competitive. As you see your friends scores beating your own though, I don’t think it should really be called “Casual”. This game has obviously been heavily inspired by Temple Run and other infinite runners like it. However, I believe this game is better than Temple Run – and its successor – due to the games control system and familiarity of the games universe. Minion Rush has the player swipe the screen directionally to move the character whilst in the main running mode. The game also gets quite regular updates that increase the amount of levels you can play or add costumes. Despicable Me: Minion Rush also has lots of fun mini games that are activated by the player when they hit certain items or come across them during a level.
Originally out on iOS, Double Fines ‘Middle Manager of Justice’ sees you play as a newly appointed manager of a run down justice branch that you have to whip into shape. This is done by hiring heroes and forcing them to carry out justice and improve themselves. This game is a brilliant resource management game and is humorous throughout. Like most people, I find myself wasting huge amounts of time on these resource management games, but this one throws in a bellyful of humour and lets you order superheroes about, which is pretty cool.
Next up is Kairosofts ‘Grand Prix Story’. Pretty much anything from Kairosoft could have been on a list of the top 5 Android games, but my personal preference is ‘Grand Prix Story’ as it feels you have more control over the way the game is played. For example, if my car is slower than the others, I’ll buy a new engine to put in it, but if I want the best out of the engine I should get my best mechanic team to develop it. Kairosoft have been able to make a great name for themselves in the mobile markets thanks to their resource management games, and ‘Grand Prix Story’ is pole sitter.
Only recently have I been made aware of this truly amazing game, and the way it appeals to a wide arrange of gamers is fantastic. Behold Studios ‘Knights of Pen and Paper’ plays as a turn based RPG, and you are able to control who you fight and with what spells or attacks. The way the game captures the play style of games such as Dungeons and Dragons is fascinating.
The most recent of the games on this list and another brilliant RPG for Android, OrangePixels ‘Heroes of Loot’ allows you to play as 1 of four classes; Mage, Elf- (this means Archer), Valkyrie – Rogue (I think) and Warrior. I usually play as an Archer/Rogue in RPG’s, so I chose Elf. I instantly fell in love with the game. It is easy to pick up the controls and the game grants you the ability to use both magic and standard attacks no matter which class you are. This is due to items such as runes or rods that allow you to scorch your enemies with fire or zap them out of existence with electricity.
Honourable Mentions:
These are ones that just missed out on the top 5, but are still worth getting.
I am Level
Smiling Bags I am Level is a unique platformer that allows you to control the level instead of the main character – a ball – to progress through the game. You are tasked with retrieving stars from each level to increase the characters experience points so that you can unlock special abilities and increasing your attributes, such as lives. A highly addictive and extremely difficult game the review is here.
GBA Emulator
Ok, so this is not a game but it allows you to play all your favourite GBA games on your android device, which is just brilliant. I have been able to play my childhood favourites on my phone thanks to this, games which I had thought were lost years ago due to my untidiness and stupidity. So it didn’t make the list as it’s not a game, but it is probably my most used app.