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Whats on CalmDownTom’s Playlist

Our game music discussions here at CDT are epic, long, heated and awesome. We can’t leave our brilliant audience out, so here’s what brilliant game music the CDT team are listening to right now!

Jaime Cross gets us started with some JRPG tunes!

Simon Wong is all about the wub wub

Tom Welsh will always pick Jasper Byrne in these discussions, because: man love!

Stephen Biggerstaff has a shootah!

Malcolm Armstrong takes us back to the past version of the future!

Ben Mackinnon is still alive!

Kieron Bamford brings the guitars!

Alec Harley Reignites!

Mihai Georgescu in da house!

Andrew Gozillon goes Dark.

Loz Dogs is doing it brick by brick

And after all that awesome, lets all chill out with this suggestion from Gary McCartney!

Thanks to everyone from CDT for having such great taste and helping us make this list. Game music is simply wonderful, and compiling lists like this is not work, it’s a pure fun.

Thanks for reading and listening. What did we miss?

Published inFeatures