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CalmDownTom at Molyjam 2013

Do you know what Molyjam is? Do you know what a Game Jam is? Why am I talking to myself? I have answers to two of these three questions!

A Game Jam is where you don’t sleep, eat junk food and have one of those panic attacks where you sweat a lot. Oh, and you try to make a game in a weekend!

Like this:

The Moljyam meanwhile, is based on a Twitter parody account of the (in)famous Peter Molyneux. In the first Molyjam, a game jam based its design concepts around the crazy ideas the parody account generated. This year, it’s going to be even crazier. The games created will be based on ACTUAL Peter Molyneux Tweets and quotes! And if any of you read much of what Mr Molyneux says, you already know he is a genius, but is also completely insane.

CalmDownTom is covering and promoting (and some of us are even competing in) MolyJam 2013 across two locations in Scotland. The Jam is on the 5-7th of July.

More details of the overall event are here:

Dundee: Organised by CalmDownTom’s own Malcolm Armstrong who is based in Proper Games Studio at Seabraes
The venue is nearly filled up, but please contact Malcolm via facebook or email for registration –

Glasgow: Organised by GCal Computing Society & Brian McDonald. Based at the Student Association Building in Glasgow Caledonian University
This venue has a capacity of 30, it is filling up very nicely. This venue can also support remote Jammers(using something like Google Hangout). Sign up at the following eventbrite link

We also would like support from the Scottish Game Development community, this could be giving some of your time by popping in and imparting some words of wisdom to the tired Jammers or even sponsoring pizzas for the night.

If you are interesting in supporting the Jam, please contact Malcolm for Dundee – or Brian for Glasgow at

You can follow us here on CalmDownTom where we will post diaries, update you on events around the world and maybe even broadcast. Even better, why not compete yourself?

Good luck everyone!

Published inFeatures