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Welcome to the all new CalmDownTom

I am glad to announce that has been successfully relaunched! It’s a little early for celebrations, and we’re in “Beta” for now, but I’m really happy with all the hard work we’ve put in and everything we’ve achieved.

So what’s changed? Well, we’ve grown exponentially in the last few years, and we now cover more than ever before. To match the quality and breadth of our coverage, we are pleased to roll out the new site. With integrated social networking features, advanced filtering and rating options, user ratings and more, we’re working hard at building on our community.

And blah blah blah.

Look, basically I think the site looks pretty cool and I’m really proud of it. I just hope you all like it too. Pull up a seat, sign up for an account, rate some articles and let us know what you think.

Right, I’m away for a nap. The last few weeks have been crazy!

Have a great weekend everyone, and let us know what you think.

And finally, thanks to all you people who visit and all you people who write for us. If there’s one great thing about CDT, its the community. In other words, CDT is you. And you are awesome.

Published inSite Stuff