Its amazing how close we now are to the Scottish Games Jam, part of the wider Global Game Jam. As the official site of The Scottish Game Jam and a sponsor CalmDownTom will be there every step of the way. We will be there to podcast, mingle, write and help judge the winners, and we’ll even be giving away our precious PR copies of the games we played and loved this year to the winners.
Want to know more about the Scottish Jam, or the Global Game Jam? Let me help!
Here’s the Global Jam:
And here’s the 2010 Scottish Jam:
The guests and prizes are amazing. Ally Hebson, Senior Multiplayer Designer at Guerrilla Games donated this awesomeness:
And its all coming together already. Here’s the banner already outside Glasgow Caledonian University:
So are you excited? We are. Stay tuned over the weekend for more updates, the podcast, a diary and maybe even some videos!