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Magicka giveaway

Giveaway time! Magicka was a surprise success this year. Coming out of nowhere, it impressed critics and gamers alike with its charming sense of humour and enjoyable, over the top action. Following on from the success of the main game, the developers announced one of the most unexpected add-ons of all time. The upcoming expansion pack for Magick is called Magicka: Vietnam and as the name suggests it transfers the action from a fantasy battle setting to, well, the Vietnam War. Look, just check out the trailer and you’ll understand:


Our own review will be up soon, but you can start playing right now! We have five exclusive copies to give away. To win a copy, simply join in the spirit of crazy genre crossovers. Tell us where the next Magicka should take place and why it should be there. For example:

Magicka: Gotham City.
Because this city has too many jokers and not enough wizards.

The first five decent entries in the comments will win a copy. Just remember to include your email address.

A big thank you goes out to Boel at Paradox games for the competition idea and prizes. Good luck magicians!

All the prizes are now gone, but a big thanks to everyone involved! Chek back again soon for another big giveaway!

Published inSite Stuff