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Top 11 most exciting games of 2011

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
The first game was decent, the second was good, can Uncharted 3 be great?

Bioshock Infinite
A great trailer, but more encouraging is how highly it has been praised by everyone who has played it.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Could this be the sequel that the original, seminal Deus Ex deserves?

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Not a great trailer, but good voice over work from Max Von Sydow filling in for Patrick Stewart. I was always more of an Elder Scrolls fan than a Fallout fan so I’m glad to see Bethesda get back to what they do best.

The Last Guardian
This one has been a long time coming, but I still can’t wait.

Batman: Arkham City
The original was one of my favourite games of all time and easily the best superhero game ever. I CANNOT WAIT for this.

Mass Effect 3
The trailer makes this looks like another terrible COD game, but with one of the highest budgets of all time and two prequels which were both massive successes, it seems almost impossible this could fail to be huge.

Star Wars: The Old Republic
Could this rival WOW? Probably not but that would be the wrong goal. This game should be a success in its own right and can provide a real alternative to the current MMORPG monopoly.

Portal 2
A lot of the weird power ups and gels seem a little gimmicky, but the gameplay footage below looks gorgeous.

Combining the score attack mechanic of something like The Club with a gorgeous engine and a sense of humour, this looks promising.

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine
There’s been a few games that have used the universe of 40K to good effect, but this could be the first title to really immerse the player in the grim darkness of the 41st millennium. There is only war!

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