is proud to present our video series: “Damsels In Distress”!
“Damsels In Distress – The Scared Gamer Girls play…” is a series where our two most terrified site members (Pandash and Thumper Nats) play the scariest games out there, for your amusement. There’s never been two girl gamers more frightened of Slender men, Pyramid Heads or Japanese ghost-things-that-climb-on-the-ceiling-and-suck-your-eyes-out. What then could be more fun than seeing them cry, scream, occasionally laugh, and share some cupcakes together!?
So pull up a seat, turn out the lights, and share the fear! Oh, and grab a cake for yourself.
Damsels In Distress – The Scared Gamer Girls Play: Slender The 8 Pages