From the dungeon to the lake to the sky.
Fantasy Author and Narrative Director
From the dungeon to the lake to the sky.
We’re giving each of our writers a chance to contribute a GOTY article in their own style. Here’s Jon’s list of offenders.
Most improved franchise, Games We Wish We Played and Game of the year.
Best Unfinished Game, Worst Game, Best New Character & more.
Biggest Surprise, Best Portable, Best Downloadable, Prettiest Game and more.
The final, official Top 10 Games of The Year is here, featuring the whole CDT Writing Team!
Most Disappointing, Best Re-release, Best Fighting Game, Best RPG and more.
Kevin Lynch counts down his very best of 2013.
Malcolm’s alternative list with some refreshing choices!
2013 saw Sick Kids Save Point’s best total yet, with a record number of gamers taking part all over the UK
The good and great games of 2013 that won’t make the top 10 lists.