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Glitch Free Gaming

Glitch Free GamingCalmDownTom is proud to present Glitch Free Gaming!

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And they even have an awesome YouTube channel.

Glitch Free Gaming is an independent weekly podcast about gaming and gaming culture. Bringing you clever insights into the gaming world, personal opinions on the games that matter (all of em!), Glitch Free Gaming aims to be an entertaining, conversational show where the listeners opinions matter too.

We post a Question of the Week (every week, surprisingly) to help increase interaction with our listeners and form our own little community. As we have grown we have attracted more and more listeners, and we’re glad to call CalmDownTom our new home.

All of this delivered to you in a weekly podcast, complete with snazzy Scottish Accents!

Our regular cast includes:

Role: I talk on the podcast.
Top 5: Zelda: Majora’s Mask, Metal Gear Solid series, Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Baldur’s Gate, Starcraft 2
Best thing on the site: I wrote a review of Derrick the Deathfin one time. Also there’s a podcast or something?
About me: I buy more games than I’ll ever play, but also play more than I probably should. Once responded to a girl declaring her love with “I love you too, Starcraft.” She wasn’t impressed.

Role: GFG co-host, resident smart ass and sarcasm specialist.
Top 5: Final Fantasy series, Resident Evil series up to RE3, Dragon Age, SSX & Mass Effect
Best thing about the site: No BS, just gamers doing what gamers do
About me: I have an opinion and I’m not afraid to use it! I love games, gamer lifestyle and everything that goes with it. I also love getting together with like minded gamers and bitching moaning and taking the mick out the pastime we love. It was from this chaos that Glitch Free Gaming was born (with the help of fellow lunatics Paul & Kieran!). I have also recently developed the obsession to play every game as they are released – I feel sorry for my bank account!

Role: GFG Producer and technical nonsenses
Top 5: Fallouts, Pokémon (all), Halo’s, Assassins Creed’s, Dead or Alive
Best thing on the site: It all gaming reviews by gamers for gamers what’s not to love.
About me: I have been in to games since I can remember, starting on a Sega megadrive my love was born and has grown to what it is today. After doing radio as my HND podcasting was a natural progression from this GFGwas born. I spend 90% of my time thinking about games and can be a tad over-opinionated at times, but telling me to shut up normally solves this.